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Jennie Anstey D.O.  Osteopathy


Jennie Anstey, D.O., B.Sc,  completed her B.Sc in Physiology at McGill University in 1998.  She has 5 years of volunteer  physiotherapy  experience in various hospitals and clinics in Quebec and Ontario.  She worked in ischemic exercise research in the  MRI department at the Montreal Neurologic Institute.    In 1999 she completed a Pilates teacher training, which expanded into rehabilitation focus with Polestar Education, from Miami, Florida.  Working full-time with people in this domain inspired her to go deeper and she discovered Osteopathy, which uses the innate forces of nature as a manual medicine and harmonizes the biorhythms of the human body.   She graduated from  Académie Sutherland d’Ostéopathie du Quebec (ASOQ) with  a D.O. in 2009, with an honorable mention with her thesis on the fundamental forces and patient-client interactions applicable to hands-on therapies.  Over the years she has also completed trainings in LithotherapyTheta HealingAwakening the Illuminated Heart, Soul-Level Therapy and Spiritual Psychology, Aquatic Craniosacral, AquaHara, Dolphin Dance and Aquatic Bodywork in Hawaii and Mexico.   She is also currently completing her formation with Carole Dion in Underwater Massage AquaViechi and AquaMouvance(SubDance, AquaYoga, Wave Training).  Other areas of studies include dance, Yoga, Chi Kong, world religions, cymatics, sacred geometry and indigenous plant medicine.   In 2015 she graduated from a three year professional program in Sound Healing in Vermont, USA, and continues to study the effects of sound and light on human physiology.  


She is a currently a member of SoCaTO and AQO.  She was on the board of SoCaTO as treasurer for 3 years.  She is a faculty member of Académie Sutherland d’Ostéopathie du Quebec (ASOQ) teaching several courses in Cranial Osteopathy.   In addition to her private clients, she gives workshops and conferences to the public on Osteopathy.  She is a ELDOA practitioner trained directly by Guy Voyer, D.O.  Her group classes include this work as well as myo-fascial stretching and specific biomechanical strength training.  Sound Healing is always a part of her workshops as life is essentially of vibrational nature, and sound can quickly and effectively bring us into deeper states of awareness to access insight and illumination.    She also does private sessions  and retreats in  Aquatic Osteopathy.  


Her private professional practice is based in Montreal and speaks English, French and Spanish.  More information can be found on her website at: 



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